Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sequence Diagram

Do You Know Sequence Diagram ???

Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one another and in what order . It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart . Sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in a time sequence . It describes the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functions of the scenario . Sequence diagrams are usually associated with the realization of a use case in the Logical View of the system being developed . Sequence diagrams are sometimes called event diagrams , event scenarios.

A sequence diagram shows , as parallel vertical lines ( lifelines ) , different processes or objects that live simultaneously , and , as horizontal arrows , the messages exchanged between them , in the order in which they occur . This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios graphically .

According to Whitten , Bentley , and Dittman (2004 , p702 ) Sequence diagram is a UML diagram that models the logical aspects of the use casedengan describe the interaction of messages - messages between objects in a time sequence . Sequence diagrams menunjakkansecar detail how objects interact with each other in a time sequence , read from top to bottom sequentially follow the logic of the use case . Posts of steps - steps usecase can be written in pseudoceode on the left of the diagram for easy reading treat .

Behavior or operations to be performed by each object is described code . The arrows represent the interaction between a line or a message sent to a specific object to invoke operations to meet the demand .

The purpose of the use of sequence diagrams:
1.       Communicate requirements to the technical team for this diagram can be easier to become a model elaborated design.
2.       Diagram is the most suitable to develop use-case model description into a design specification.

Use of Time sequence diagram:
1.       In the discovery stage: Sequence diagram of the selected use case created by the Business Analyst.
2.   In the construction phase: System analyst using use case and sequence diagrams created by the Business Analyst as inputs for manufacture of technical sequence diagrams which will be reviewed by the Business Analyst.
3.       At the final stage of verification and validation: a sequence diagram is used to design the test of a use-case scenario.

Basic steps for drawing sequence
     1.  On the Architecture menu, click New Diagram.
  1. Under Templates, click UML Sequence Diagram.
  2. Name the diagram.
  3. In Add to Modeling Project, select an existing modeling project in your solution, or Create a new modeling project, and then click OK.

A new sequence diagram appears with the Sequence Diagram toolbox. The toolbox contains the required elements and connectors.

To draw a sequence diagram :
   1.  Drag Lifelines from the Toolbox onto the diagram to represent instances of classes, components, actors, or devices.
2.  Draw messages to show how the lifelines collaborate to achieve a specific goal.
3. To show a message that comes from an unknown event source, or broadcasts to unknown recipients, draw an asynchronous message from or to blank space on the diagram. These messages are called found messages and lost messages.
4. Draw sequence diagrams for each major message to the same component or system.

I have created a blog about the sequence diagrams . Here I will explain the sequence diagram that I have made .

In the picture below , there are some which each lifeline lifeline that is obtained from the previous class diagram that I created . There are several Life line that is in sequence diagram blog , namely :
1.       Lifeline is the first user , wherein the user is the user who runs the blog blog . Here the user can enter , modify , or remove something that users want.
2.      Lifeline second is obtained from a collection usecase . Where the user can input data . Such as profile data .
3.     Lifeline third is derived from a particular class , where later the user will do something , such as deleting the data , the data input .
4.    Lifeline fourth is obtained from every table in the class diagram . Will be made ​​to run the command message .
5.       Lifeline fifth is obtained from an existing database connection in a class diagram that all orders will be associated with the database connection .

Here's an example of a Blog That Has Sequence diagram I create:

1.       Input Profile

Description : From the picture above shows there lina lifeline is where the contents of each of the lifeline is seen from the class diagram and usecase diagrams that I created earlier. The image menggambaran for our input data as the owner of the blog that will be stored in the database of the blog itself.

2.       Create New Post

Description : From the picture shows how the flow in creating a new post. Wherein, the user submits data to be post last postingkan will fill the post that will be created which will be posted on the blog user.

3.       ChangeTemplate

Description : The image above illustrates how the flow in changing the template. Where users will memililih user templates as you wish. Then the database will execute the command from the user. Later, the template will appear in the display user blogs.

4.       Edit Layout

Description : From the picture above, a user wants to edit the layout. Where the user will select the layout that cool until it is replaced, then the user gives the command to change the layout to suit the desires of the user, then the layout will change according to user choice earlier.

Description of the Sequence diagrams so blogs I have created. May be useful for all readers. If there is a less obvious or do not understand please forgive..

thank you for reading my blog ...
bye bye bye

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