Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Use Case Blog

Do You Know Use Case ??
In software and systems enginnering, a use case is a list of steps, typically defining interactions between a role (known in UML as an "actor") and a system, to achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or an external system.
In systems engineering, use cases are used at a higher level than within software engineering, often representing missions or stackholders goals. The detailed requirements may then be captured in sysML or as contractual statements.
As an important requirement technique, use case has been widely used in modern software engineering over the last two decades. Use case driven development is a key characteristic of process models and frameworks likeUP, IBM  RUP, Oracle OUM, etc. With its iterative and evolutionary nature, use case is also a good fit for agile development.

A use case diagram contains four components.
·         The boundary, which defines the system of interest in relation to the world around it.
·        The actors, A use case defines the interactions between external actors and the system under consideration to accomplish a goal. Actors must be able to make decisions, but need not be human: "An actor might be a person, a company or organization, a computer program, or a computer system — hardware, software, or both. Actors are always stakeholders, but many stakeholders are not actors, since they " never interact directly with the system, even though they have the right to care how the system behaves.
·         The use cases, which are the specific roles played by the actors within and around the system.
·         The relationships between and among the actors and the use cases.

A use case diagram looks something like a flowchart. Intuitive symbols represent the system elements. Here's a usecase blog example:
In the example above is an example of making usecase blog, which you can find out how to use the blog flow between admins and users. A use case diagram contains four components., that is:
- User: that is user who has registered so as to have an account and got the blog page along with its URL. Members can set up a blog, profile (about me page content), replacing the general blog settings page (header, the title of the blog, moto, URL name), as well as viewing a user own blog (preview).
- Admin blog: Administrator in this case has the task of managing members, general setting of data, the data profiledan header data.
- Visitor: visitors or readers of the blog page are owned member. Access rights only permits a look at the blog, about me, leave a comment on a post member and delete comment.
- Admin googleadmin google has a role to give permission if you are new to the blog can be registered or not. of course, if permitted shall be in accordance with the terms specified. admin later google will give advertisements to the users blog.

before, you must have an account if you want to have a blog. by entering your name, email address, gender, and blog address to be accessed later. who will be applying for the blog admin to google to be approved by the blog admin or tell whether the data that has been entered in line or still a weakness.

Connecting between the actor with the activities carried out named association. Activities that exist in the described usecase oval. If link between activity in general to the activity which specifically called generalization. While the link between the oval with oval called the line include. Unlike the case with extend, extend is used to connect the oval with oval, but extend the time if it is used one time activity but it must be repeated, as an example of usecase my blog which is between login with email or password is wrong.

In usecase blog that I made, have 7 general activities, including:
1.      Manage profiles
where the user can input, for example, input the name, address of the blog. delete, for example, removing the blog name, blog title. Edit, edit the title of the blog example, edit blog readers. Change the photos on the blog users will.
2.      Manage post
where users can create a post as you wish, delete the previous post that has been made, and there is a post edit post if you want to add.
3.       Manage comment
manage comment related to managing the post, because the comment relates to the post of the user, if the visitor wants to see comment before posting it first. Visitors can also delete the comment that he made when any, visitors can also see some comment from other users even visitors can view user profiles are visitor visit.
4.      Manage tamplate
tamplate can change at will, and select the template you want users to use.
5.      Manage layout
layout in your blog can be deleted, added at the layout, as well as edit the layout position as the user desires.
6.      Login
before operating the blog users, users must login first to address users blog, if the blog has not been logged in user, then the user can not use the blog.
7.      Email or pass wrong
this activity exist when the user enter the wrong email or password, if any user input, it will notify the admin of the error.
8.      Applay for google adsense
apply for google adsense users when a new blog has been approved by the admin google. new blog that will be use by the user.
9.      Less requirement

less recruitment blog informs potential users if there is a shortage in the data entry is needed. and candidates users have to repeat activities that before he had been working on.

many explanations of the usecase blog that I made, I hope you all understand the meaning of the picture above. more or less I apologize ..

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